A Christmas Carol, the tale of ghosts, generosity, and redemption is a holiday classic.  The students of Bethel High school are excited to make this family friendly production their triumphant return back to the stage with live audiences.

Jeremy Finn. Photo credit: Crystal Morgan

(L-R) Libby Resendes, Isabel Schenkel, Lara Cruzado. Photo credit:  Crystal Morgan
Will Esposito (L) Jack Boucher (R).  Photo credit:  Crystal Morgan
Jayden Garofalo-Colon (L), Lara Cruzado (R). Photo credit: Crystal Morgan

It’s a treat for all ages to follow the miserly Scrooge discovering the importance of generosity through the spirits of christmas.  In the spirit of the show Bethel High School Theater Boosters will be collecting non perishable foods to benefit local food bank Brotherhood In Action.  Audience members who make a donation will receive a discount on tickets.  Don’t miss the show at Bethel High School 300 Whittlesey Drive on December 3rd and 4th at 7pm.  Tickets available now at: www.bhstheaterboosters.com

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