For almost thirty years, Relay for Life of Greater Danbury has been running its annual event at local schools and parks to support The American Cancer Society. They aim to help communities fight cancer through donations, raising awareness, and time given to help the community. This Saturday, May 15th, Relay for Life of Greater Danbury will be hosting an event at Bethel High School. This year, Relay for Life of Greater Danbury has reimagined the way they will run the event. Due to COVID, it will not be your typical Relay, however, they have some exciting new ways that they are bringing the community together to support a great cause. Laura McCormick, the volunteer leader for this year’s event says, “Last year we weren’t able to hold the event at all because of the pandemic and we really felt the loss. Though we didn’t have the event, cancer diagnoses didn’t stop, and Relay for Life is a way that we can come together as a community to honor and remember those who have battled, are currently battling, or lost their battle to cancer.”

To accommodate current COVID guidelines, this year’s Relay for Life of Greater Danbury will begin with a tailgate at 6:00 PM in the Bethel High School parking lot. Participants will deck out their cars and hang out in the parking lot while being able to safely social distance. At 8:00 PM there will be a Relay Luminaria Parade through downtown Bethel. School Street will be lined with Luminaria bags that are dedicated to those who have battled or are currently battling cancer. If you are interested in dedicating a luminaria in honor of a friend or loved one, click here. After the parade, participants will head back to Bethel High School at 8:30 PM for Reels for Relay. For a $20 donation, participants can watch Disney Pixar’s Up from their cars and the sound for the movie will be transmitted via participants’ radios. To sign up for Reels for Relay, click here.
While it may not look like your typical Relay with walking on the track, vendors, raffles, and games, Relay for Life of Greater Danbury has come up with a creative solution that will allow them to hold the event given the current circumstances. Relay for Life of Greater Danbury welcomes all from the community, whether they live in Bethel or not. Laura describes it as a “no borders event.” She continues, “It’s one of those events that regardless of what background someone comes from, it is an opportunity to bring everyone together.” This is a heartwarming sentiment, and as many of us in Bethel and surrounding towns know, we surely have each other’s backs in our community.

When asked about favorite moments of Relay for Life from years past, Laura says, “The Luminaria ceremony seems to be everyone’s favorite part of Relay for Life. It is a moment where we can stop and reflect and remember all of those affected by cancer. It brings it all home.” She concludes, “Everyone is invited and welcome to feel the joy and comradery of coming to the event and knowing that they are supporting a good cause!”
For more information, to become a sponsor, or other inquiries, you can visit the event website or contact Kate Corsitto at Relay for Life of Greater Danbury hopes to see you at the event on Saturday and thanks you for your support!